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How is Functional Medicine Different Than Conventional Medicine?

Functional medicine is an exciting evolution in medical practice. It uses a systems-based approach to identify and treat the root causes of disease rather than just treating the symptoms. Practitioners understand that one condition can have many causes, and one cause can be linked to many conditions. This means it’s an excellent approach when it…

Brain Fog: Can Your Cloudy Thinking be Explained?

What is brain fog? It’s not a medical condition in itself, but it’s a symptom we frequently see attached to other medical conditions. Are you experiencing an inability to focus? Struggling to remember things? Generally lacking mental clarity? Finding it hard to think of the right word? These are all classic symptoms of brain fog,…

What are Hormones? Three Key Types Explained

Hormones are chemicals that travel through your bloodstream and help your organs do their work. You can think of them like messengers that relay information from your brain to help your body function. Most people know them best for the role they play in reproduction, but they’re also critical for things such as growth, repair,…

What Exactly is Functional Medicine? Here’s How it Works

Functional medicine takes an individualized and patient-centered approach to healing. It focuses on finding the root cause of a patient’s issues, instead of only treating the symptoms. It’s becoming increasingly popular around the United States because it’s essentially an evolution of medical practice, designed to better treat and diagnose a range of illnesses, including chronic…