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What Causes Low or High Testosterone Levels in Women?

[Webinar] Think you might be experiencing low or high testosterone levels? A hormonal imbalance in women can sometimes point to thyroid issues as a primary factor. Learn more about possible inflammation, etc. causing your symptoms when you watch our free webinar. Hormonal imbalances, including abnormal testosterone levels, can have many negative effects on a woman’s…

Stress and Your Immune System: Why You Get Sick More Often When You’re Stressed

[Webinar] Are you sick much too often? Does sickness typically come along at times when you are the most stressed? Discover how Dr. Radawi of Tri-Cities Functional Medicine takes a holistic approach to sickness, the immune system, and underlying stress disorders. Click Here to Watch Our Free Webinar! Stress is more than a state of…

Functional Medicine for Weight Loss: A Long-Term Solution for Achieving a Healthy Weight

[Free Webinar] Are you experiencing weight loss challenges? Do diets not seem to work? Could there be an underlying reason behind your weight? Learn how Dr. Radawi at Tri-Cities Functional Medicine can help you address the root cause of your health problems. Click Here to Watch Our Free Webinar! You know that being overweight or…

The Functional Medicine Approach to Improving Heart Health

Have you ever wondered if medication is really the answer to addressing cardiovascular disease? With functional medicine for cardiovascular disease, your doctor will seek treatment options that go beyond masking symptoms of your heart condition. Instead, they will focus on helping you support a healthy heart with lifestyle interventions, diet, supplements, and more. Would you…

Identifying Inflammatory Triggers: How to Fight Inflammation in Your Body

Inflammation is your immune system’s response to a perceived threat. When you are injured or fighting off an infection, inflammation is crucial for maintaining health and healing. But sometimes, this immune response happens when it shouldn’t.  Exposure to toxins, chronic stress, and eating unhealthy foods can all trigger long-lasting inflammation in your body that persists…