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Hormone Imbalances

Can Functional Medicine Fix My Brain?

Welcome back, everyone! I’m Dr. Joseph Radawi, M.D., the founder and medical director of Tri Cities Functional Medicine. Today, we’re diving into a topic that many of us find all too familiar—brain fog. Ever feel like you’re caught in a mental haze? You might be mid-conversation and suddenly forget what you were about to say,…

The Women’s Guide to Adrenal Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Are you tired all too often? Does fatigue affect how you’re able to live your life? Discover how Dr. Radawi of Tri-Cities Functional Medicine takes a holistic approach to addressing adrenal fatigue and its underlying factors such as chronic stress. Click Here to Watch Our Free Webinar! Fatigue of any kind isn’t fun for anyone.…

The Link Between Hormones and Migraines in Women

Are you suffering from frequent migraines? Have you considered the possibility that their underlying cause may be hormonal? Read about the connection and how functional medicine addresses it. Click below to Watch Our Free Webinar! Migraines are three times more likely in women, and hormonal changes from pregnancy to hormone replacement therapy are common culprits.…

What Causes Low or High Testosterone Levels in Women?

[Webinar] Think you might be experiencing low or high testosterone levels? A hormonal imbalance in women can sometimes point to thyroid issues as a primary factor. Learn more about possible inflammation, etc. causing your symptoms when you watch our free webinar. Hormonal imbalances, including abnormal testosterone levels, can have many negative effects on a woman’s…

The Functional Medicine Approach to Treating Menopause Symptoms

[Webinar] Are hot flashes, headaches, and sleep problems making your life uncomfortable or even miserable? Would you like to speak with a doctor who takes your discomfort seriously and gets to the root of the problem? Find out how Dr. Radawi uses the functional medicine approach to address menopause symptoms. Click Here to Watch Our…